Welcome to Mercurial Tones Academy
Music production is ever evolving journey, so there's always more to learn.
An Online Academy
Currently Available
By enrolling to Mercurial Tones courses, you will get tailor made lectures on the topic that you are interested to learn more. Each course comes with its own set of materials such as preset packs, sample packs, posters, project files, templates and so on. In addition to that, our courses are updated based on the feedback that we get from students. Therefore, you will get lifetime updates once you enroll a course.
The courses on Mercurial Tones are taught by Yalcin Efe. She has a unique style of explaining complicated topic easily by showing examples and applying it in real time. Moreover, we have been creating comprehensive course material to make the learning experience leading edge and flawless.
Yes, of course! We will be continiously adding new chapters in our courses as music production always evolves. Purchasing now is probably the best option as the price may go up in the future due to addition of new materials and chapters.
Presets and samples you get during this course is royalty free and you are free to use any material that you get during the course in your future production. In fact, we encourage you to use them as much as possible, as we can guaranty the pristine sonic quality.